This outfit marks the first time my husband has ever told me he liked my fur vest. He's been anti-vest since...well since I first got one, so at least two years now. This didn't faze me as my faux fur vest love is strong. This must mean two things: one, the outfit was so good even he couldn't deny the vest or two, he's slowly becoming more fashion conscious thanks to my influence. I really hope it's the latter, as I desire to wear things far more daring than a faux fur vest. I'm bringing him around slowly. Haha. But back to the outfit. The vest has so many applications, here it's slightly bohemian, but pair it with faux leather leggings/pants and it's sexy and cool - perfect for date night. I was digging the darker vibe I was getting from this outfit and wanted to try it with a darker purple lip and I really liked how it turned out. What do you guys think? Does anyone else out there just feel like wearing purple lipstick some days?
Vest: Sirens (similar). Dress: Urban Planet (this one's cute). Hat: Can't remember :( (similar). Boots: Aldo (old) (similar). Lips: Revlon ColorBurst Matte Balm in Shameless and Maybelline Color Elixir in Vision in Violet.